Thursday, April 16, 2015

A visit to Creede, and other goings-on

Just beyond Creede is a 17 mile loop mine tour. Darrell wanted to take it, but I felt the truck was too big. We'll come back when we have the smaller car.

The local birds have finally discovered the feeder we put up.

Darrell and Luna went for a short hike on nearby Coyote Hill, about a mile up the road from our house.

Finally getting some pictures hung.

The local garden club, Mountain High gardeners, put on a spring expo. We gathered info on high elevation mountain gardening...lots to learn about this!

1 comment:

Bonnie Murphy said...

Take me!! Take me! I want to go on the Bachelor Mine Loop Tour! Sure sounds like fun. I think the picture is slightly crooked, Darrell--no, that is not possible!! You guys are learning lots! Wonderful. Miss you! xoxo Bonnie L. Murphy