Sunday, August 18, 2013


 We are newbies at finding huckleberries here.  Amber showed us the ropes last year, so we struck out on our own (did I say struck out?).  We drove along the road to Upper Whitefish Lake, scanning the shrubs.  We found what we thought were hucks, but as I checked my book on plants of the Rockies, I discovered we had picked mostly Serviceberries (aka Saskatoons).  Well, they tasted pretty good, so it wasn't all a failure.  I think there are some huckleberries in there too, we gathered 2 quarts of the things.  Brought them home and froze them til I can find a scrumptious recipe to use them in!

 Luna took the opportunity to sharpen her breath-holding skills in the lake.

The scenery was beautiful, and we drove over Red Meadow Pass, stopped at Polebridge and had a good dinner at Northern Lights Cafe, next to the merc. 


Darrell found this in the woods one morning as he unlocked the gate.  Not sure why it was there, must be a story behind it, but we have no clue.  We called the sherriff's office to come get it. 


A few weeks ago, it rained all day, and it was steady and hard.  That being said, the next morning when Darrell went to open the gate, he noticed quite a river going across our road and down the hill to the neighbor's house.  Later, we had a knock on the door from the caretaker of the home, informing us that they needed to do something about all the water flowing into their house.  They had called some earth mover type guys, and they brought out their equipment to try to divert the river.  They decided to dig a new trench in our upper entrance road, and that did the job.  However, the flood of water clogged our drain pipe, and now we had a new stream running through the park.
When all was said and done (many phone calls to our supervisor), everyone figured out that this was way more water than the rain had caused.
It turns out that there was a pond up on Big Mountain, at a home that used to be owned by Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle), and the pond breached, causing it to empty down the mountain.  We drove up and looked at the pond, and Darrell guestimated about 4 million gallons came our way.  Along with over 200 trout they had just stocked the pond with.
The owner of the pond came to the park the next day, feeling very bad, and trying to find out who all his pond had directly affected.  The pond was over 40 years old, and who knows what kind of maintenance was done to was probably "grandfathered" in when new codes were implemented, and it was never brought up to specs.
Damage to our park was minimal, you can tell where the water flowed, but it didn't really hurt anything.  We're told that our road will be repaired, and things will be back to normal soon.

So, that's about the most excitement we've had all summer here.  The month of July has been warm, and our park has been packed every day.  Most of the exploring that there is to do up here, we did in the past 3 years, so didn't want to post duplicate pictures again.
It has been too hot for hiking, (we did that once in Glacier, and both suffered from heat exhaustion, don't want to repeat that experience).
We are waiting for a bit cooler weather for that, and in the meantime are keeping busy going to the gym and looking for huckleberries.