Saturday, July 04, 2015

Hot Springs

Located in Hot Springs, the Symes Hotel is a mecca for, well, folks who want a soak.  All kinds of folks.  Folks on motorcycles, old hippies, new hippies, you name it.  I really felt like we were in the Twilight Zone.  A trip to the past, maybe the 50's?  You go into the lobby, and it looks as though it hasn't changed since the days of Nixon.  Down the hall to the dressing room, bath "cubbies" are on either side, where you can take a private soak in a clawfoot tub.  There are 3 pools; warm, warmer, and really  hot.  We stuck with warm.  A nice way to spend an afternoon!

Baked Goods!

We made our first trip out to Polebridge Mercantile, to have one of their "pasties", a meat filled sandwich baked in  homemade heavenly bread.  And cookies....