Thursday, June 27, 2013


 This is a lovely trail system that the city and donors have been working on for quite a while.  It started on Lion Mountain, and now another segment exists north of Whitefish Lake, and eventually the two will be connected to provide hiking, biking, and horseback riding trails for anyone.
 Luna wore her pack on this trip, but her girth kind of makes it ill-fitting.  We can carry her water for her.
 Spring is bringing lots of rocky mountain wildflowers.  I have a special book to identify them, but sometimes I can't quite be sure...this looks like a Lupine, below is Indian Paintbrush, and the white flower at the bottom is a trillium.....I think!


Amber said...

Nice pics! I think the purple flower is actually a type of penstemon, and the white one is a mariposa lily. Lots of flowers out there!

Amber said...
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