Now in the state of Colorado, due to all the wildfires in previous years, in order for us to get homeowners' insurance, we had to comply with "defensible spaces" as dictated by our insurance company's underwriters. That meant that we had to have the beautiful pine tree right outside our bedroom window taken down, along with cutting back 30 feet of Gambel oak. Through this process, we have met a series of really nice people. First, Chris, the arborist, who is an expert at doing this, and also Jack, a gnarly Coloradan in his late 70's, who comes and gets the downed wood for his own use. Jack is very talkative, and he has familiarized us with several of the neighbors we haven't yet met, and has related at least one epic story of a camping trip where his buddy slept in a shower curtain.
As I write this, a few days after the tree event, most of the snow you see is gone with just a hill in front of the house where it slides off the roof.
Darrell took a quick video of the giant going down.
We now have a sizeable pile of wood mulch next to our house. I had thought it would be good to spread in our landscaping efforts, but it is full of pine needles and not pretty stuff. So much for my idea. We went out and bought a rake.......
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