Wednesday, April 30, 2014


 After lunch, we took a scenic drive northwest of Sedona, to Honanki Ruins, a cliff dwelling from the same time period as most of the ones found in the southwest....around 1100 to 1300 a.d.
The geology and colors we saw along the way were breathtaking.
We had Luna with, and at the entrance booth our guess was confirmed that dogs are not allowed at the site. (we figured one of us would go and take pics). The attendant said Luna looked like a good dog and she wouldn't mind watching her while we went.  She said she had just put her own dog down yesterday.  We totally felt bad for her, but I think Luna comforted her a bit.  It was a nice gift for all of us.

Early artwork above and below, plus some recent graffiti. Now the site is protected.

The area looks as though water would be nearby, the way the trees are growing along a path that might have an underground source now, but may have been above ground back then.  Weather may have played a role in its inhabitants leaving this place.


 First thing on our list of things to do was take a hike.  We found a short one we could do right from our campground, just up the road a quarter mile.  Called the Huckaby trail, it meanders around the Sedona area, and gave us great views of the town and surrounding red rocks.

We all did well, including Luna, but she needed cooling off afterwards, which she did in Oak Creek.  Current was a little swift, so we kept her in tow near the shore. But she really liked the cool water.


 Our first night on the road was spent in Sedona, at an rv park right on Oak Creek.  Went for a lovely walk after dinner, and enjoyed the riparian area.  Our camp host says the creek is spring fed, and runs all year, not snow fed.
We hope to do some hiking/exploring today as soon as the high winds die down.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The Saguaros in our neighborhood have been blooming about a month ahead of schedule.  Weird...maybe global warming?
We finally got our "essentials" shoe-horned into the trailer, and off we waddled, to our first stop to the north, in Sedona.  So excited to get back on the road again!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Throwback Thursday

So, I discovered Throwback Thursday on Facebook.  I am a late bloomer, for sure.  I immediately found this picture of us and the Halls from 20 years ago, while camping in Colorado. It's one of those that you could send in to Kodak and they fused it to plastic and cut it out.  It's been on my desk at work, and at home ever since.  We had such good times with them!

Monday, April 21, 2014


For a long time now, I've had intentions of  making something out of all the wine corks Darrell has been saving over the years.  Although this wreath took a lot, we still have a box full left for my next project.  Who knows, maybe a Christmas variation.....


As Darrell finished painting our iron fence in the backyard, he noticed this critter making its way along the side of the house.  We are told Gila Monsters come out in the spring to eat and look for lizard love.

Friday, April 11, 2014


We have beautiful winters here in Tucson, and the springs are nice too....but I couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed our humidity level.  Blew my mind.


Amber made it back from Patagonia in good shape, except for a cold.  That doesn't slow her down much, though.  We had 2 full days with her, and between working out and other physical stuff, we took her to a Korean bbq restaurant that we thought was yummy and kind of different.  You choose your meats, and cook your own at the table.  Notice my expertise with the chopsticks....ha!