We discovered the train station where Darrell's grandpa worked out of. They are restoring it into a museum. The railroad was known affectionately by the townspeople as the "Katy".
Denison, Texas....we found the house where Darrell's dad grew up. Darrell's grandfather worked for the railroad.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
They used the pool in filming, but when Bobby Ewing swam in it, they used mirrors and wide angle lenses to make it look olympic-sized.
Billie and Karen are ready to show us the rest of South Fork.
Remember the Ewing clan? Outside filming was done here, the rest on a movie set in Hollywood. The owners stipulated that they could only film in June, July, and August....that would be hot work.
Billie and Karen took us to South Fork, which is just down the road from their home.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The grassy knoll that everyone talked about...the theory was that there was a second shooter who was behind this fence. The museum evidence leads a visitor to believe that there was not.
We arrive in Plano to visit Darrell's cousin Billie and his wife Karen. He hasn't seen Billie in 55 years, so it is quite a reunion. Karen and Billie show us downtown Dallas, which isn't too far from their home. This is the book depository where Kennedy's assassin perched in the window to make his fatal shot. We toured the museum which is in this building. It was really interesting.
We went over to Albuquerque next, to pay a visit to Darrell's cousin and wife, Dick and Marcia. Marcia and I went to yoga, Dick and Darrell went on a bike ride, and the next day we took a hike in the beautiful Sandias. It was much cooler at 10,000 feet, and the view was great!
Our first night was spent in Flagstaff. We met up with friends from Tucson who were also heading due north. We visited the arboretum and were treated to a bat program, given by an expert on bats who has studied them for 7 years. Here he is holding a brown bat he captured for us to look at.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
June 18, 2008: Once again, we approach the season in Tucson where the temperatures hover in and around 100 or warmer. It's time to hit the road! Our plan is to head up to Flagstaff, over to Albuquerque, east to Plano, Texas, then head north to see Eric, April and the boys. After that, we'll head back west and explore Colorado.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
On our way back down Old Baldy trail, we take a last look at Mt. Wrightson.
Here's a 360 view from the top....
Looking northwest to Green Valley, behind which the Duvall copper mine sits. The blue water you see is their leaching pond.
Last hike of the year in this territory....we hiked to the top of Mt. Wrightson, the tallest peak in Southern AZ....9,453 ft. We are looking at Mt. Hopkins, where Whipple Observatory sits.